One of the most interesting things about camellias is the variety of size and color available to the landscaper. From minature to gigantic, from white to "Grape Soda" purple, from solid color to two-tone, stripes, and dots.
Camellias are easy to grow from seed and each seedling will produce a unique strain of DNA. Let the bees pollenate - or you can choose the parents for your designer seedling.
Cross pollenation is something I start doing as soon as the show season is over (since I have to destroy perfectly good buds before they open). Here are photos of a Mouchang bud being introduced to Betty Foy Sanders pollen. Note the organza party favor bag that covers the pollenated flower and protects from bees and humidity.
I label the cross right away - before forgetting what pollen was used! Left over pollen stays in the freezer and lasts for months.